A Sunday Sneak Peek - May 5th, 2024

Hello Beloved!

I pray that God’s agape love is recognized, celebrated, and relished in your life! We’ve focused on God’s agape love and being Beloved the past two weeks. This week, we are going to continue that theme of love!

This past Sunday, Joshua talked about being one of the ‘beloved’ - being one of ‘those that are loved’. He shared his example of the old way he did things, how he has experienced newness of life in Christ’s love, and how we must recognize that we are one of the beloved in order to fulfill Christ’s commandments to love God and love neighbor.

This Sunday, we will touch on John 15:1-8 before jumping in John 15:9-17. This is to remind us that we are all interwoven together as branches from the vine that is Jesus! We are a family of beloved! When we remain in him and love one another, the fruit we will produce will glorify the Father in spectacular ways! What fruit do you see growing in this family of beloved?

John 15:9-17 is all about Christlike love and we received Jesus’ command to ‘Love one another'. As I have studied and prayed over this text, reflected on Joshua’s sermon from last Sunday, and accounted for agape love, I have picked up on a theme of remaining. Jesus says to ‘Remain in my love,’ as he 'remains in the Father’s love. This is not a passive remaining, but an active remaining! This remaining requires work - prayer, study, and mission! How are you remaining in Jesus’ love? How are you fulfilling Jesus’ command to love one another?


Pastor Jesse


Measuring What Matters Most: Stewardship as Discipleship


A Sunday Sneak Peek - April 21st, 2024